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The goal of our program is to teach independent living skills in a therapeutic setting

Population Served

Program admissions considered for youth aged 13-17


We are not a locked facility

Residents are encouraged to engage in the community with the least restrictive level of programming appropriate to individual functioning and services

Awake staff 24/7/365

Staff supervision ratios are scheduled based on need, but are never less than 1:8 with additional support


Length of Stay

Minimum of 90 days

Treatment Modalities

Therapeutic Group Home

Structured Program of Care

SAMSHA Trauma Informed Approach

Positive Role Models

Behavior Modification

1:1 Counseling

Positive Peer Culture

Community Provider Referrals

Referral Screening Criteria

Appropriate Referrals

​At-risk male and female adolescents, 13-17 years old, with any of the following needs:


  • Limited coping skills, relationship skills, life skills and other aspects of adolescent development


  • Youth in need of independent living skills




  • Youth with specific learning disabilities


  • Adjustment Disorders, ADHD, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, Depressive Disorders, ODD, Personality Disorders, PTSD


  • Mild Intellectual Disability (not less than full scale IQ 70 - some exceptions).

    • Those with an IQ less than 70 may be considered when there is supporting documentation that indicates:

    1. The youth's needs can be met in this facility

    2. The care of the other residents will not be jeopardized

    3. Staff are trained to deal with any related IQ issues


  • Youths not appropriate for foster home placement


  • Pregnant teens until they become a parent (not licensed for babies)


  • Youth with behaviors that can be addressed in a non-hospital, non-secure setting with the support of pharmacological and psychiatric services available in the community


  • Youth who have successfully completed an approved substance abuse or sexual offender treatment program and are in need of a step-down placement

Inappropriate Referrals

Those not appropriate for placement are youth whose needs cannot be met by S.T.A.R.S. staff or program, including, but not limited to those with:


  • MR (below full scale IQ 70 - some exceptions)


  • Residents in need of hospitalization or other secure environment


  • Exhibiting current psychotic behaviors


  • Sexual perpetrators who have not successfully completed an approved sexual offender treatment program


  • Fire setters who have not completed approved treatment


  • Primary treatment need is substance abuse treatment


  • Youth that would not benefit from the program





Make A Referral 

Please submit your completed application for admission by email to or by fax to (434) 907-2044 

S.T.A.R.S. Application for Admission

S.T.A.R.S. Rate Sheet 2022-2023

Reach Out

Interested in making a referral but have some questions first? Complete the form below and someone from our team will be in touch!

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon.

Image by Photoholgic

Call us:

(434) 970 - 1904

Fax us:

(434) 970 - 2044

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